Pocket Stars is a high accuracy ephemeris, star finder, and celestial navigation tool for the Windows Mobile Pocket PC, Windows Mobile Smartphone, and desktop PCs.
Star chart features:
- Supports all PocketPC devices including WM5, WM2003SE, and all resolutions including QVGA, VGA, square, portrait and landscape modes
- User interface optimized for simple and fast star, planet, Messier, and Caldwell object identification. Single click on any body to get the name, designation, calculated altitude, azimuth, and magnitude. Drag the cursor to scroll the chart. Zoom in and out with a single click
- 3D Orrery display of solar system and background stars and constellations
- Display of orbital paths for inner solar system bodies showing daily positions for one year centered on current date
- Animation of the sky in increments of hours, days, weeks, or months
- Manual or automatic control of star magnitudes. Simple control over which objects to display. Overall, these features give great control of visual clutter given the limited screen real estate on the Pocket PC
- Black, white, and red star chart colors for normal, bright, and night viewing conditions, respectively. Complete skinning or customization of star chart colors
- Chart can be rotated to any of the 16 compass points and also flipped along the North - South axis. This allows the either overhead (East and West reversed) or non-overhead (East and West normal) viewing
- Polar grid with hour angle and declination labels
- Zenith grid
- Search and scroll to constellation, body, star, or Messier / Caldwell objects
Download Pocket Stars 5.1.2 in Softonic